It feels so good not to need an access code anymore!

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I know, right?!

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Until now, I’ve been using tools like Dropbox and Wetransfer, which work great for sharing, but I really like the collaborative pinboard feel to Shareup. I’m very visual and hate having to sift through file names etc. so this is a game changer for me.

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We also really like the visual aspect of sharing 😊. Let us know if you ever bump into a file or link that could be better!

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Hello, I just found the app and am very impressed at first glance. Is a search for the items planned? I think such a space can quickly become quite confusing...

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Thanks so much for trying out new.space, Michael, and thanks for the suggestion. We are definitely planning on adding search to our spaces. We want to make it as easy to find your stuff as it is to share now.

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