Hi ! Iā€™m scared to miss the iOS beta, did you launch it for your subscribers ? :o

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Tina (happy new year!), no you didn't miss the beta. I know we've been teasing it out for a bit now, but we wanted to use the last part of the year to put some polishing touches and do a few more rounds of testing. We'll have news about how to get signed up and into the app in the coming days and weeks.

Sorry for the confusion!

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Thank you ! Happy new year to you too Adam. šŸ˜Š

-and thank you for responding to my comment to inform me of the situation, I really appreciate it. I will continu to wait eagerly for the news !

(to be honest, my confusion is more linked to my worry of loosing track of you in my mail box than to the delay, sorry about it)

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