People say things like “Big things come in small packages” and “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. I don’t say either of those things because if I’m honest I don’t know what they mean, and also because there is a big ol’ update for for iOS that I want to share it with you all. There is so much in this release, in fact, that I can’t even cover it all in a single post—so we’ll be doing a series of posts looking at each part closely. There are huge additions to for iOS in the form of new integrations, new card types, bug fixes, UX improvements and…Markdown! Let’s begin this series by looking at what Markdown looks like in for iOS.
Designed for flexibility
We designed the stylings for Markdown in to keep the formatting marks inline. We found that handling the styles in this way gave the best experience, flexibility, and predictability when sharing and exporting notes. We are using Markdown in the GitHub flavor, so here is a cheat sheet if you need a quick guide. Tables and images aren’t supported, so just keep that in mind. Personally, it feels great to create notes with headings, lists, and emphasis!
Check that off!
Beyond simple **bold**, _italic_ and ~~strikethough~~, there are a lot of new UX improvements to how notes function. If you create a list with dashes or bullets you will be able to just hit return to automatically create the next item in the list. Also, using the standard list format of: `- [ ]` gives you the ability to create to-do lists in your notes. Just tap the area between the brackets when not editing to check the items off, pretty nifty!
What else is in the update?
As I mentioned in the opening, there is a lot to unpack in this update. Don’t wait around for me to tell you about it though, check out the update and explore the integrations, new brainstorm cards, the new details view design, and a whole lot more. We’ll be doing a deeper dive on each and telling you the story on how we are using these features to “cut the cable” on a lot of services we’ve paid for in the past. Looking for how to create Brainstorms or how to use Markdown on for web? We’ll be launching those in a future update, so stay tuned for those additions as we release them.
Till next time, happy sharing.