In case you didn’t hear: is now open to the public, no account or signup required 🎸⚡️
Create a space, collect some content, and share the space with a colleague or friend to start something new together today 💪
We’ve learned a lot over these past two weeks since we launched into public beta, and I’d like to share three takeaways with you today. 3… 2… 1… liftoff 🚀
1. We are onto something 😄 and this is just the beginning
There have been many great comments, reviews, and emails telling us how people wished they’d had to help them in the past 🙌
Here are three comments that stood out to me:
This is an AMAZING new service. This makes communicating with documents, links, pictures sooooooo fast and simple. I wish I knew about this when my eldery father was in the hospital. It would have made managing his care so much easier.
This is exactly what I need when I’m working across my Mac & Windows! 🤯 Also, love the UI!
What a great tool! Will for sure use this instead of WeTransfer future on. 😃
We are working hard to make even more useful for you and we can’t wait to show you more soon.
On that topic: what is one way could help make it easier for you to collect and share your important content with your colleagues?
Hit reply or leave a comment and let me know 📧
2. The beta is working smoothly for many people and many use cases today 💪
We’ve invested a lot of time building a service that respects your privacy, keeps everything secure, and is end-to-end encrypted – while remaining incredibly fast and updating everyone in realtime. We are very thankful that our choices of technology have stood strong. It’s been gratifying to see our tech investments payoff, so we can serve you and others.
Our Product Hunt launched drove the most traffic and usage we’ve seen so far and our tech was able to handle it no sweat 😅, and on that topic…
3. made it easy and simple for us to organize and prepare for our own Product Hunt launch of
Thank you all again for supporting us and making our Product Hunt launch a success 🙇 Your support has been a great encouragement to us. was invaluable to us during our preparation for the launch – it’s a single view of all our important content 🚀 Organizing all the content and apps we use in one place is a game changer for how we work – and we think it can be a game changer for you too.
What’s next for the Shareup team, you ask? Next week’s newsletter will be the start of a series showing off our upcoming iOS app beta. 😲
Thanks for reading and thank you for your support.
Forward this email to anyone you know who would be interested using in the iOS app 💪
Or if you are reading this are not already subscribed yourself, sign up and be the first to know when it’s available.
That’s it for this issue and see you next week,